
No Marketing. Proven results.
Here is exposed the 4 steps of the PingCastle methodology which has been designed based on our experience putting hundreds of domains under control.


Our promise: budget and management support for Active Directory security.

Step 1: Understand the stakeholders

There are two main stakeholders in the Active Directory landscape: the IT Management which is holding budget decision and the IT Operations which ensure that the Active Directory stays up and running.

IT Management: Their needs

Assess the Current security level
The management needs to benchmark the AD security level with their peers. This allows us to know if they need to invest much or less on this topic.
Avoid the presence of Critical Risks
There is no such thing as an audit report escalated with critical vulnerabilities. They expect a very close follow up on this.
Get advice to prioritize the items in the Action plan

What is the cost of doing that or that? Management has to arbitrate with many topics and if they agree that everything should be done, there is a limit in the budget they can spend. And they have to share it with so many subjects.

IT Operations: Their needs

Detect critical security issue
IT Operations are accountable for the availability of the system. They need to avoid any trouble that can result in the unavailability of the system.
Overview of the technical situation
Technical management is a tough job and unfortunately, problems happen on unsupervised areas. The more tool they have to have a global vision, the better it is.
Guidance & Advices to fix issues
You got a problem? Ok, but how to fix it? While it is easy to write that you have to switch this button, in practice, it is more complicated than that. What will be the impact? Can we test the change? What is the risk of unavailability if the change did fail? Can we rollback easily?
Maturity based Improvement
The management needs a tool to translate the data into risks for risk based approach. The Operations need a tool to solve problems and increase the operation level. This is called maturity assessment.

Step 2: Prepare the battle plan

Inspired from CMMI

CMMI is a well known methodology from the Carnegie Mellon university to evaluate the maturity with a grade from 1 to 5. We have adapted CMMI to Active Directory security.

The document below describes the methodology and set of questions you can use to assess your level.

Step 3: “Know your Backyard”

The goal is to reach the Level 1 of the maturity model by defining the “scope”. The scope can be considered as the set of domains to put under control and in order to define it, there need to be a discovery phase. Here are the 3 key areas to question:

Domain coverage

Do you actually know how many domains you have in your Active Directory?



Are you sure that all your domains are actually monitored by someone?

External trusts

Are you aware that your domains are exposed on the Internet without protection?

Focus on domain discovery to get management support

The goal is to prevent forgotten domains or trusts belonging to external companies over which you have no control.

Key decisions to take:

  • Deploy the tool on 100% of the domains at least once
  • Assign all domains found to an owner
  • If it is not possible to get ownership, remove the trust to these domains

Active Directory map

Learn how to build a map of your domains with PingCastle

The two main activities on this step are the map and the reference file. While the reference file is just an Excel file based on a template, the map can be built quickly with the carto mode or by aggregating many health check reports at once.

Ownership assignments

Check out how to document the ownership of each domain and reuse this information in reports.

Step 4: “Perform Security Controls periodically”

The goal is to reach the Level 2 of the maturity model by defining the “periodic controls”. The objective is to guarantee a minimum of control level and to avoid critical security vulnerabilities. The goal is not to reach a perfect level, but to avoid that critical changes go unnoticed. Here is the 2 key areas to question:

Internal trusts

Do you realise that badly implemented trusts provoke a major risk of cross-contamination?


Risk score control

Are you aware of all the possible security issues that may be in your Active Directory?


Establish governance to secure budget allocation

The idea is to define an organization which is aligned by the Active Directory reality. In short, avoid any new vulnerabilities and limit the risk of cross-contamination.

Key decisions to take:

  • Get health check report every week
  • Request the implementation SID Filtering on 100% of the trusts except official migrations
  • Set an objective on risk score reduction (30 for example)

Health Check

Check out main vulnerabilities and how your score evolves with time.

The two main activities on this step are to collect the vulnerabilities with the health check mode and report your progress to the management. The health check mode is built in minutes. When multiples reports are collected, you can use the configuration file generated at the step above to generate automatically the dashboard.


See how you can generate automatically the dashboard to the management and show the progress on the field.